Tuesday, 1 January 2013


Some time ago I wrote about the Elsevier Boycott and how us, scientists, are stupid enough to give away eternally all the rights of the papers we publish in such a way that sometimes we cannot even access what we ourselves wrote.

Well, a lot of scientific journals have appeared recently with the open access philosophy. We don't have to give up our rights anymore, we can access the articles for free, all we need to do is to PAY a processing fee of ONLY a couple of dollars. For instance, Physical Review X, charges you the SMALL amount of $1500,00 ! Oh, and we actually do not retain the rights, we have to agree to licence the work with a creative commons license. If they cannot own our paper, we can't either!

Well, we are all happy again...

Just to make it clear that we really deserve this, this is the submission guideline of the online sci-fi magazine Kasmagazine:
We pay a flat rate of twenty-five dollars per story that we accept. Payments are made via Paypal only. 
Upon having your work accepted by Kasma, you are able to and are automatically giving us non-exclusive electronic publishing rights, or reprint rights if applicable, to publish your story on our website. We do not own your story. You are free to publish and sell it elsewhere, as long as whatever publication you sell it to understands that the rights you are giving them are non-exclusive. After a period of one year, all rights revert back to you and you may, if you wish, ask us to remove your story from our site. We hope that you won't however, as we would like to include your story in our archive of great, short science fiction.
Let's compare with Physical Review X:
Initial submission
Physical Review X is an open-access journal that is financed by article-processing charges to the authors of published papers or to their institutions. The articles are published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Before making submissions authors must take steps to ensure that they or their institutions accept the responsibility for the payment of an Article Processing Charge ($1500 for up to roughly twenty formatted pages) should their manuscripts be accepted for publication.

Ha! We scientists are so smart!

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